Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Personal statement - Essay Example I am emotionally stable, responsible, and mature in looking at various perspectives of human behavior. I have developed the skill to deal effectively with people from all walks of life. By recognizing that listening skills are critical, I became more sensitive and compassionate to others, especially those who need understanding and emotional strength. I developed good communication and writing skills. The courses I took during my years pursuing a degree in commerce developed my leadership skills and analytical skills enabling me to critically analyze problems and opt to choose the most appropriate solution. I am extremely patient and persevering recognizing the fact that most psychological treatments of patients take considerably long periods of time. The skills I have developed in giving attention to details, being analytical, having leadership skills, being patient and persevering, and being theoretically equipped to understand patterns of behavior and mental processes would assist me in future

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Mcbride Financial Service Essay Example for Free

Mcbride Financial Service Essay The purpose of this paper is to develop a marketing plan for McBride Financial Service. The paper will include what type of market research McBride should undertake. The various types of media Mcbride should use in the marketing plan. This paper will cover McBride’s target markets and explain why they are targets for McBride Financial Service. This paper will also cover what the considerations are for McBride to conduct a portion of their marketing on the Internet. Market research is a technique used to determine the acceptance of a product or service within different demographics. In the book Marketing: An Introduction market research is defined as [a systematic design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data relevant to a specific marketing situation facing an organization](Armstrong, 2011). A company can use market research to develop a target audience to help them pinpoint a specific demographic to market in. There are several forms of market research that McBride can use to help develop their marketing plan. The first would be online market research that will consist of Internet surveys and online focus groups. Online market research is easy for people in every demographic to participate in from home eliminating the need to travel to participate in focus groups. Internet surveys are taken online and the person filling out the surveys avoid the hassle of mailing the surveys back by simply clicking submit. Telephone interviewing is one of the fastest ways for a company to gather information for market research. Telephone interviewing is more personable than mail or Internet surveys and would be recommended for McBride Financial Services. An effective marketing plan should include using various types of media to advertise the goods or services a company offers. Types of media include radio, television, outdoor media, Internet, magazines, and newspapers. McBride Financial Service has many options to choose from concerning marketing media to advertise their organization. Television ads are seen by the most people, but they are also cost the most money to obtain a prime spot. Radio can target specific audiences at a lower cost but a company needs to buy time on several stations to obtain good reach. It is recommended that McBride incorporate a mixture of media in their marketing plan. These following types of media will be included television, radio, Internet and, magazines. Television as mentioned earlier in this paper is the best form of advertising so McBribe cannot hope to have a good marketing plan without it. Television ads will not be the main form of media because of the high cost. Because one of McBride’s target markets is retirees they will be buying ad space in retirement magazines like AARP. This will allow McBride to focus in on retired people or are getting close to retirement. Newspapers are a dying form of media so McBride will avoid buying ad space in any of them. This section of the paper will focus in on why Mcbride should consider conducting a major portion of their marketing via the Internet. The Internet is a major influence in society today with millions of people surfing the web every hour. This is an opportunity that McBride needs to take advantage of to capture the attention of an ever-growing population on the Internet. Buying ad space on a website is inexpensive compared to television and radio that is a major advantage for McBride. Ad space on major Internet sites is a â€Å"double edge sword† for McBride’s marketing plan. The first is that people will see the ads every time a person opens his or hers favorite website. The second would be a direct link to McBride’s website allowing even more exsposer for the company’s services. This section of the paper will cover McBride’s target market. Entrepreneur. com defines a target market as a specific group of consumers at which a company aims its products and services (Target Market, 2011). The site continues to write that target customers are those most likely to buy from a company. McBride has a target market shown on the home page of their website and it consists of professionals purchasing primary or secondary properties, retirees purchasing primary or secondary properties and families or individuals purchasing recreational properties. It seems like every adult in the world would fit into McBride’s target market that is not a bad target market, but it may be a wise move to narrow it down. Sticking with retired and professionals purchasing property would allow McBride to maintain a manageable target market. If the target market is too big McBride would have to cater their marketing media budget to too broad a campaign. McBride’s target market is anybody who is looking to buy property whether it be primary or secondary. In conclusion this paper has described a marketing plan that can be implemented by McBride Financial Service. The marketing plan will include market research strategies such as Internet surveys and telephone interviews aimed at collecting information. The media will play a part in McBride’s market in the form of television, radio, and Internet ads. The considerations for McBride to conduct a portion of their marketing online were covered in this paper. Finally the target markets for McBride Financial Service were discussed at the end of this paper.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Teaching and Learning Strategies

Teaching and Learning Strategies Introduction to the Students and Teaching Environment. I am currently a Lecturer in the Communications Electronics Technical Block (CETB) at Royal Air Force (RAF) Cosford, The No1 School of Technical Training. I am teaching new entry students AC (Air Crafts man),course number 1932 and SAC (Senior Air Crafts man) course numbers 1946 and 1951. The students age range is 17 30 years. I am responsible for delivering training in the subject areas Micro Electronics, Digital Electronics and Information Technology. The courses range from 90 to 130 hours. SACs 194616 hours Information technology and 115 hours Computer technology for the. ACs 1932.16 hours Information technology and 74 hours Micro Electronics for the The students who come to RAF Cosford are not typical of those who would go to a college of further education. They are sent by the RAF for either initial or further training in their specialisation. The learning environment The room layouts do vary however the majority of rooms are set out in a traditional manor. (see plan) The labs are arranged differently with the students desks arranged around the walls. E.g.(Room F008) The class rooms have a roller White board, P.C. and T.V. monitor, some class rooms have windows to the outside but not all. Lighting is via fluorescent tubes and heating is via radiators. The learning environment cont. The laboratorys have a White board, P.C. and LCD projector. Most have opening windows. Lighting is via fluorescent tubes and heating is via radiators. The desk is set out with a PC and Digiac workstation, a 6502 and 80286i microprocessor boards, in addition there are a collection of supporting boards. Teaching Styles and Learning Strategies. Teacher Talk A large part of the course is via teacher talk, this allows for large chunks of information to be covered in a much shorter space of time. The reason this method is chosen is due to the shear pace at which the course has to be delivered. The course is equivalent to a BTec Electronics course, taking approximately two years at a college of further education, however the RAF students have to cover nearly the same amount of material in just six months. Teacher talk is not the best method of imparting information to students as they can very quickly lose interest and it is difficult to assess how much information the students have taken in. To alleviate this situation the teacher talk is broken up with questioning secessions. The questioning secessions help the teacher to assess if the students have understood if learning has taken place, this also gives the students an opportunity to play an active role in the learning process. These methods promote individual involvement, encouragement, reward and a sense of achievement to students of all abilities The questions are directed by the teacher, nominating a student to answer, this is known as; â€Å"Pose Pause Pounce† this technique is used throughout RAFs training and is one of the main tools used to promote learning. The teacher talk is also begun with a recap of the previous session, sometimes the recap will be at the end of the lesson. This re affirms the students understood. The level of knowledge can be assessed, allowing the teacher to continue knowing that the students understand. Reading The students are given course notes in a printed form showing both pictures and diagrams as well as explanations. These notes form the back bone of the course material. They contain the Aims and Objectives for that section of the course, Information relevant to the course and a summary of the books main points. The book can be used as a reference to during the teacher talk. It can be used to illustrate a point, show other examples and reduce the amount of complex diagrams that need to be drawn on the white board. In addition the book has a separate set of questions which the students are encourage to read. When they have read the book they can answer the questions, this promotes further reading. If they do not understand or cannot answer the questions then this should promote them to ask the teacher for further explanation. The questions are designed to reinforce the theory taught in class and promote greater understanding of the subject. Practice by Doing. The first thirty hours or so of the course are mainly teacher talk, reading and working though examples on the white board, however once the under lying terminology and theories have been taught the emphasis of the learning style changes dramatically. The location of the teaching now moves to the laboratory where the students are given a brief introduction to an exercise, they then work through the exercise at their own pace and in their own way using their knowledge. The students follow the exercise answering questions as they go. The questions are designed to point the students in the write direction, if however they are unable to proceed, the teacher is close at hand to guided them, this is achieved by question the student and trying to get them to identify the solution for themselves. If the teacher identifies that the class as a whole do not understand then they can bring the class back together to solve the problem. The teacher may need to give further guidance to the students to allow them to complete the exercise. This process is learning by doing and in completing the exercise the student will hopefully be able to relate this experience to the theory section of the course thus underpinning their theoretical knowledge with practical experience. Demonstration This method of teaching can be used during the theory stage. The teacher could show real components to allow the students to become more familiar with them, seeing what they look like or by working through examples of how to perform a specific task. Demonstration can also be effectively used during the exercise phase of the course. This is very useful when trying to impart complex information to the students. An example might be when an exercise requires additional circuit boards to be used or components that have not yet been used. In these situations a demonstration of the exercise can be given by the teacher. This will allow the teacher to identify any areas of special interest and point out any areas that the students might otherwise miss or perhaps not think about. In addition it is by far the best way for the teacher to show how things are to be accomplished. i.e. showing how to connect up a system, what parts are required etc. The demonstration also allows the students to question the teacher about parts of the exercise they do not understand. The student can say â€Å"so you mean this >>>>> † ; the teacher can then be sure that the students fully understand what is required. Visual Visual methods of teaching are available, though the preferred method is power point which the students despise and therefore is not used frequently by myself. However it can be a very useful tool for explaining difficult subject material, particularly when the diagram requires motion i.e. information been transferred around a computer system. This would be very difficult to illustrate on the white board as the teacher would need to continually re draw the diagram to show the movement, however using power point allows animation of the drawing which the students can see, thus reinforcing the idea. It can also be re run to allow the students to follow the process until they are confident that they understand. Questioning can be used to check the understanding. The teacher can run the PowerPoint and ask the students to tell him what is happening and why. Alternative Methods of Teaching and Learning Strategies. Discussion This method is not very appropriate as the subject is technical and requires some under pinning knowledge. Opinions are not normally expressed as the material is factual. However this method could be used at the end of an exercise or at the end of the course. Infact the course does use this method is used to evaluate the feelings of the students and considers any recommendations that they may make as a class. However the course must run in a clearly define way as laid down by the sponsor he Ministry of Defence.(MOD RAF) Teaching others Teaching others is not generally used as the students would be required to fully understand the subject before they could teach someone else. As it is most likely the first time they have seen this subject material it would be difficult for them the explain it to a colleague. Although a similar technique is used by the teacher when they ask the student to explain how something works, this method of telling the teacher shows that the student understands fully, also any omissions or errors can be corrected by the teacher. Choice of methods Teacher talk The main reason for using this technique is to cover a large amount of theory over a very short time, a lot of information must be imparted very quickly. This method does not have a good retention rate approximately 5% however when coupled with questioning technique, and a recap of the subject at the end or prior to the starting the next section, it improves the retention as well as checking the students understanding. Reading As with Teacher Talk the students are expected to cover a large quantity of information very quickly. However this method has a poor retention rate approximately 10%, but when coupled with questions for each book it reinforces the knowledge, this can then be checked during a class session. This method is used due to the short time available, students are expected to read the material they cover in class as part of their learning process. This is done during there own time i.e. out of class hours. The questions should identify to the student whether or not they understand, thus prompting them to request addition information or clarification from the teacher at the beginning of the next lesson. Practice by doing This method is much better with approximately 75% retention rate. It is used due to the practical nature of the job (hands on). However it can only be used after the under pinning knowledge has been taught and understood. The students can apply the knowledge they have learnt to the practical exercise. The other reason for using this method is due to the nature of the subject. Example It is impossible to show the students the internal workings of a micro processor , therefore the operation is illustrated by performing tasks with the micro processor to prove that it functions in a particular way. The students have to relate this to the theorectial phase of the course, in doing so they should fully understand the operation of the Micro Processor. Demonstration This method has a reasonable retention rate around 30%. It is used to show the more complex aspects of the course, â€Å"a picture paints a thousand words†. The teacher can use this method to impart complex instructions to the students, the students can ask the teacher questions confirming their understanding, checking and correcting as they go. Visual This method has a retention rate of around 20%. This method is tied up with demonstration as the students will be watching the teacher perform a task. Learning how to perform the task requires knowledge, understanding and the skills to complete that task. The visual method is instant feed back to the student, they can see how a task is accomplished. This is an important method of teaching as their job will involve watching someone perform a task and them doing the task for themselves to the required standard. Summary The various methods of teaching are effective, the reason for this assumption is that the majority of students go on to the next phase of their training, and eventually into a post within the RAF. In addition I have spoken to students that I have taught who have remarked on the course and its content, most all of them say it was a very good grounding for their trade training.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Jack Welch and the GE Way Essay -- Managing Case study business Essays

Jack Welch and the GE Way   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Jack Welch was named CEO of General Electric, Welch saw a company in trouble even though the business world saw GE as an intrinsically healthy corporation, secure in its position as a world industrial leader. Welch knew that the company was too large to fail yet GE was too unwieldy to adapt for further growth. The changes he instituted restructured and revolutionized GE and made Welch the most respected CEO in business today. After reading the book there were three parts that really stood out for me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chapter 3: Cultivate managers who share your vision was the most important chapter to me. It talks about putting the right managers in the right positions. Welch says, â€Å"What we are looking for†¦are leaders†¦ who can energize, excite, and control rather than enervate, depress, and control† (p. 35). Managers in a company should bursting with energy and are able to develop and implement a vision and not just talk about those visions. They must also know how to spread enthusiasm throughout the entire company. One of the keys to being a great business leader is getting employees excited about their work. One of the ways to get employees excited about their work is to allow employees more freedom and responsibility then they have now. In order to make this happen, middle managers have to be team members and coaches. They need to facilitate more than control. Managers should be energizers and not enervators. Welch suggests that the only way to last at GE is to get on board, to become a team player, and to adapt oneself to the company’s values and culture when describing the different types of managers that will or will not succeed. The first type of manager delivers on commitments and shares the company’s values. The second type does not meet commitments and does not share the company’s values. The third type misses commitments but does share the company’s values. Welch himself cares more that a manager sticks to the company’s values than meets the numbers. The fourth type delivers on the commitments but does not subscribe to the company’s values. Welch broke these managers into three categories, type A, type B, and type C managers. Type A managers were defined as team players that subscribe to the company’s values. People trust them; they make impacts on decisions, and are leaders who seek to develop high value in other... ...h targets† (p. 170). Welch emphasizes that one should not settle for second best when you are able to achieve more. When you reach for the stars, you may fail but stretching yourself and stretching your business you are going to bring better performance results to your business. He also says to be creative, more imaginative, and more thoughtful about your business. The more you think about how to get more out of your business, the higher your stretch targets and the better off your are going to be. I think that all employers and manager should encourage their employees to reach for the stars. This will help employees realize what they are capable of doing. Managers need to help employees realize and make goals along with making sure that they meet their goals. I believe that Jack Welch and the GE Way is a great tool for any manager. He Welch helped turn a great company into an even greater company. Many of his ideas can be used in the workplace and in everyday life. His ideas are not complex or complicated to understand. It will just take time to incorporate them into your life or business. When you do, you will realize that even you life or business can be better.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Historical Evolution of Shopping Places

Introduction In the beginning of the history of shopping topographic points, the shopping activity took topographic point in the unfastened infinites with other urban and public maps and activities and activities of the metropolis, like ancient Grecian Agora or Roman Forum. After centuries, the enclosed shopping promenades separated urbanity and shopping activity from each other. These to the full enclosed and environmentally controlled ingestion infinites reinterpreted the urban cloth to imitate a metropolis image and a street like atmosphere indoors. Inside the walls a new metropolis was created, where people shop, eat, entertain, and even kip, acquire married or have a college instruction. Today, urban cloth and shopping promenade integrating is going more of import. Open infinite and sustainable design for shopping promenades are the lifting tendencies in the universe. So, the bing shopping promenades are opening, incorporating with and fabric and continually updating themselves to vie with the emerging shopping topographic points. This recent regeneration tendency is called ‘De-malling’ in the universe. Scope OF STUDY As it is non possible to grok and plan shopping promenades without cognizing their beginning and their development as a type, this thesis explores the history of shopping topographic points through recent tendencies in shopping promenade design. Shopping promenades are accepted as urban public infinites. So, the range of survey is originated harmonizing to urban public infinite quality of shopping promenades. The survey comprises a research on definitions and theories of public kingdom, public infinite, and urbanity and their interaction with shopping promenade design constructs. The shopping infinites in history and the modern-day shopping promenade, from the beginning through the emerging types, are exemplified and examined from literature and Internet, in order to understand their development, their transmutation, and their regeneration grounds, schemes and solutions. In the terminal, the recent schemes besides verify the clients preferring of shopping promenades with improved urb an infinite quality. HISTORICAL EVOLUTION OF SHOPPING PLACES Today, ingestion has become a lifestyle and shopping promenades are the temples of ingestion. Shopping promenades are renewing urban environing with their multiple functionality, different architectural constructs, and advanced architectural solutions they provide. How do they go that powerful? HISTORY & A ; TYPES The metropolis is an involved being under changeless alteration. In its life mesh, public constructions are bonded to the topographic points where people live, and these, in bend, are bonded to each other, in a rich ruse of adjacency. The metropolis presents us with a new set of environmental thoughts, such as the street, the public square, the defensive wall and its Gatess. It crowds our treatment with a mark of edifice innovations – for illustration, the canal and the garner, the castle and the bath, the market, the bakeshop, stores, eating houses, and libraries. ( A history of Architecture: Settings and Rituals by Spiro Kostof, page: 43 ) ANCIENT TIMES: When Prehistoric people started to pass on they besides started to merchandise. They bartered goods and services from each other. The history of long-distance commercialism began about 150.000 old ages ago. The earliest trading activities took topographic point in meeting and assemblage infinites. ( Shoping Environments: Development, Planning and Design By Peter Coleman ) During the Stone Age, the exchange of obsidian and flint was started. In Catalhoyuk, a Neolithic period colony in southern Anatolia 7500-5000 BC, there is grounds that obsidian tools were traded for points such as Mediterranean Sea shells and flint from Syria. In 1969 Jane Jacobs ( journalist, writer, and activist best known for her influence on urban surveies ) developed a new theory, called New Obsidian Theory, to explicate the advancement of urbanisation in Neolithic ages. In this theory she created an fanciful metropolis and named as New Obsidian, Catalhoyuk was her theoretical account metropolis. Harmonizing to Jacobs, the obsidian trade exposed the New Obsidian metropolis and the whole metropolis was a market topographic point in map. Besides harmonizing to Kostof ( A history of Architecture: Settings and Rituals by Spiro Kostof, p.43 ) , the urban revolution differs from the Neolithic revolution. The metropolis typified a societal procedure and the revolution it brought about was embodied in the interaction of people with each other. One of the primary intents for the initiation and operation of metropoliss is interchanging goods. So, trade is one of the grounds for interactions of people with each other that developed urbanisation. Although it is assumed that trade was started in Neolithic period ; the earliest nonliteral presentation of market topographic point is seen in Egyptian drawings in 1500 BC. But, there is no certain grounds in what infinite or edifice they carried out their trading activities. Before the innovation of money, trade was state’s sovereignty to be. For illustration, in Ancient Egypt, Pharaoh wielded complete control of the land and its resources as the absolute sovereign of the state. All people were his workers. Then they started to merchandise in small graduated tables. They used a sort of swap system. The ancient Egyptians did non gestate the usage of money until the Late Time period. During the 5Thursdaycentury B.C. , money was introduced from abroad. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) In the antediluvian E, ironss of retail shops are known to hold operated in China in several centuries B.C. Chinese people traded salt, Fe, fish, cowss, and silk through the celebrated Silk Road, they besides traded externally: goods from China could be traded by Greece ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Agora The Agora was an unfastened ‘‘place of assembly’’ in ancient Grecian city states. The most of import map of the agora was topographic point for day-to-day communications and formal and informal assembly. In the beginning, the citizens would garner in the agora for military responsibility or to hear statements of the governing male monarch or council, early in the Grecian history in 900s-700s B.C. Later, the Agora defined as an open-air, frequently tented market topographic point of a metropolis where merchandisers had their stores and where craftsmen made and sold their wares. Agora was the generation of modern urban infinite. On market yearss, goods were laid out on mats or on impermanent stables to let other activities – such as vote and argument, public shows, athleticss and parades – to take topographic point outside market yearss. The earliest trading took topographic point at the hub of the colony, and so established the integrated relationship between trading and the bosom of civilised activity in the centre of the towns. ( Shoping Environments: Development, Planning and Design By Peter Coleman ) Agora was located on the crossings of chief roads of the metropolis and surrounded by public edifices. One of the of import parts of the Agora was the Stoa. Stoa comprises covered paseos or porticos for public use. Large porticoes appeared on the chief roads of the large towns during the Greek and Roman periods. In the ancient Grecian merchandisers spread their wares under the colonnades of the Stoa, which was particularly designated for their activity. Still there were no lasting stores as a physically defined infinite for stores in the Grecian Agora. The Grecian metropoliss developed in a self-generated, organic manner, lacked consistent street systems, and contained ‘only the beginnings of arcaded public promenades’ . But subsequently, get downing in the 6th century B.C. , new Grecian metropoliss emerged that were based on a systematic program, called gridiron, with standardised blocks, long broad avenues, and a rectangular agora surrounded by colonnaded streets. The Romans extended this program. ROMAN FORUM Forum is the market topographic point or public topographic point of an ancient Roman metropolis, the centre of judicial and concern personal businesss and a topographic point of assembly for the people ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 12.12.2009 ) ) . Just like Greek Agora, the major metropoliss of the Roman period formed unfastened infinites as the centre of the civic life, which were surrounded by temples, basilicas, bathing machines and province edifices. Shopping was one of the activities which took topographic point both in the edifices and in the forum infinite.( Shoping Environments: Development, Planning and Design By Peter Coleman ) The Roman Forum, which was a rectangular courtyard surrounded by stores, was located on the axis, between basilica and capitol ( Figure 3.6 ) . This program was repeated throughout the Empire. Marcus Vitruvius Pollio who was born in 80–70 B.C. and died after 15 B.C. has been called as world’s foremost known applied scientist. He outlined the standardisation and usage of readymade theoretical accounts in his treatise. As a consequence, from the first century B.C. new towns and municipalities became miniature Romes. The function of architectural invention had been reduced. The major forum was called the Forum Romanum. The others named as the Forum Caesaris, the Forum Trajani, the forum boarium ( the cowss market ) , the forum piscarium ( the fish market ) , the forum holitorium ( the veggie market ) , and the forum suarium ( the pig market ) ; like today’s supermarkets. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) Trajan Market Trajan’s Market provided a wholly new image for urban design, as a radical composite of domed infinites for commercial and societal intents. Apollodorus of Damascus built the Market in AD 100-110 in the clip of Emperor Trajan. During the in-between Ages the composite was transformed by adding floor degrees. Trajan’s Forum is likely to hold been one of the first aggregations of defined stores and was a brilliant agreement of shared-use edifices. It was the first illustration of the stores mostly under screen and arranged on several degrees. Trajan’s Forum was holding approximately 150 stores on assorted degrees. The upper degrees were used for offices while the lower portion, had shops selling oil, vinos, seafood, food markets, veggies and fruit. MEDIEVAL TO 19ThursdayCentury After the autumn of the Western Roman Empire in 5Thursdaycentury, Western Europe drifted into 500 old ages or so of dark ages, shopping included. The large-scale retail environment of the Roman forum was non re-attained until many centuries subsequently. However, merchandising ne'er ceased and swap became the footing for exchange of goods instead than money. Following the dark ages, the in-between Ages witnessed the first sustained urbanisation of northern and western Europe. As a consequence, towns began to proper once more, alongside the palaces and abbeys, finally broadening and developing into trading centres. ( Shoping Environments: Development, Planning and Design By Peter Coleman ) Medieval MARKET HALL AND TOWN HALL The market and town halls were the bosom of trading and concern activity of the metropolis. They were located along with the market square, in the centre of the town. The early market and town hall edifices combined the two utilizations: the first floor was disposal, the land floor remained unfastened between the columns and was used as an extension to the market. The wares displayed on removable stables. After a piece, the land floors were arranged into a group of little stores. So, the defined store infinites in Northern Europe started. This format of outward confronting aggregations of stores would come to organize the footing of shop-lined streets throughout Europe in ulterior centuries. By 1300AD lasting constructions had begun to irrupt on to open market topographic points. These islands of edifices originated as impermanent stables arranged in narrow rows devoted to peculiar trades. Subsequently, the stables were replaced by edifices with domestic adjustment or storage above a stall or store, and many were finally reconstructed as complete houses. A really good illustration of a combined market and town hall supplying a aggregation of defined stores can be found at the Ring in Breslau – 1275, today Wroclaw in Poland. The Breslau Market Buildings are one of the earliest illustrations of purpose-made single-use market edifices. Beside the town hall, four analogue linear ways lined with stores on each side provided clandestine stables for different types of trade. The market was founded harmonizing to Magdeburg Law every bit early as the regulation of Henry I the Bearded between 1214 and 1232. Over clip, the patricians ‘ houses appeared and by the center of the fourteenth century they had formed a closed building with the bounds of the secret plans defined. The Magdeburg Law were a set of German town Torahs modulating the grade of internal liberty within metropoliss and small towns granted with it by a local swayer. The jurisprudence was a milepost in urbanisation of the part and prompted the development of 1000s of small towns and metropoliss. ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) By the 16Thursdaycentury, across Europe market edifices were no longer combined with town halls. Alternatively, market halls were built as big additive constructions covering long nave-like infinites, with side aisles lined with stables organizing aggregations of stores.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

August, Osage County Essay

The theater darkens, crowd’s light chatter subsides, and stage lights focus our attention on a magnificent structure. It’s a traditional farmhouse, with all your typical nooks and crannies, so big it juts out into the audience as if forcing us into this structure. The farmhouse is big. Three floors of potential activity kind of big. After over 3 hours of incredibly well acted scenes and biting dialogue I found myself contemplating: is the star of this show actually the set itself? August, Osage County is a compelling drama about a family in crisis. They’re dealing with problems from the past and issues from the present. The family has a complex history of intertwining story lines where everyone seems to be unravelling, all in this farmhouse. At the beginning of the story, the characters are reunited for the first time in years due to the death of the family patriarch, Beverly Weston. From the moment everyone is together in the same house (and on the same stage) you get a feel for how divided and disconnected this family actually is. This division is expertly paralleled in the different rooms of the house. Each room seemed to represent a different character or couple of characters. For example, the office den the story’s first scene opens in is representative of the character Beverly Weston: cluttered, old, and now dead. When any of the characters were in that room they seemed to reminisce about good times and old memories, much like Beverly did, who was tormented by a certain significant memory, which becomes the main plot revelation in the third act. The energy of the set could be measured by the house aesthetics. When the lights were on and up, the characters were lively and the dialogue was colorful. Once the lights would dim and characters would scurry off to their sleeping quarters they were confined to their own emotions, setting the mood for their surroundings, or was it the surroundings setting the mood for them? The way the set was â€Å"dressed† also revealed quite a bit about the family. The farmhouse was clustered with rich, atmospheric trinkets and furniture that subconsciously gave us (the audience) more depth into the lives of these people. The storage closet on the top floor, packed to the maximum with items never explored or mentioned in the story, is symbolic of the old, dusty secrets the family is hiding from one another. I found myself  thinking about that storage closet after the play was over. It wasn’t necessary to have for the purpose of acting out the play, but was most definitely included to add a visual aid in telling the story and providing some subtle metaphor. This family was full of secrets, packed to the brim and unexplored. Issues locked tightly behind closed doors. Johnna, the only character outside the family to live in the house, has her personal space where she sleeps up in the attic on the third floor, right next to that previously mentioned storage closet†¦ the one full of secrets. A heavy metaphor for her window into the lives of this family presented itself to me as I thought more about the proximity of her space to that closet. Here she was, a complete outsider with no personal history with this family, yet throughout the story various members of the Weston house would confide in her, even more than they did their own kin. Johnna is front and center in the pivotal final scene. The tormented mother Violet Weston, now all alone in her house after all the family secrets had been revealed and left out in the open to ferment, searches her home for anyone to talk to. Between floors in the farmhouse, which in itself speaks of where the characters might be in life, Johnna recites the haunting words from a T.S. Elliot poem: â€Å"This is the way the world ends, this is the way the world ends†. Lights out. The exit lights turn from dim to bright, the audience begins to clap as the cast makes their way to the front of the stage to take their bow, and I take one more look at all the colorful, twisted, complex characters, including the enormously complex and layered—literally—character of the farmhouse, who could unfortunately not bow.

Alas, Poor Heroine

Alas, Poor Heroine Alas, Poor Heroine Alas, Poor Heroine By Maeve Maddox Anyone who has ever taught knows The Look. It is the eye-rolling look students throw at one another when the behind-the-times teacher uses what she thinks is a perfectly ordinary word, unaware that the word has taken on a new meaning. I can remember the first time I got The Look. Id read a poem which contained the word gay in the sense of full of joy or mirth. Again, I was rewarded with The Look when explaining to seventh graders that Madonna is a term for the Blessed Virgin Mary. That was in the early 80s and I was unaware of the latest singing sensation. Related to the adolescent Look is the reluctance among speakers of any age to use words that sound like something else. One such word is the feminine form of hero. Admittedly, theres a tendency for nouns with feminine endings to be abandoned in the face of modern feminism. Actress, for example, has mostly fallen out of use with members of the acting profession, except as an Academy Award category. Likewise poetess and authoress are felt to be abominations by women who write. The word heroine presents a different problem. It is too common in the discussion of literature to be abandoned. In ordinary conversation, and on television, however, people seem to prefer to use the word hero for both male and female persons of prowess. The word heroine is being driven out of ordinary speech because of its pronunciation. Ive seen a cousin to The Look on the faces of people who hesitate before calling a woman a heroine. Often they opt instead for female hero rather than say a word that sounds the same as an evil drug. Personally, I see nothing wrong with using the word hero as a unisex word. A word of caution is in order, however, when the writing context calls for the word heroine. The following appears in a brochure distributed by the Malco theatre chain: She [Dakota Blue Richards] saw the National Theatre production and announced that she wanted to be Lyra, the high-spirited heroin of The Golden Compass. TIP: Joan of Arc is a heroine. Nelson Algrens The Man with the Golden Arm is about a heroin addict. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Spelling category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 English Grammar Rules You Should KnowHow to Punctuate Descriptions of Colors48 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Top 10 Websites for Book Lovers

Top 10 Websites for Book Lovers Top 10 Websites for Book Lovers Top 10 Websites for Book Lovers By Sharon There is something magical about reading books. Whether you like fiction or non-fiction, fantasy or sci-fi, there are many books out there. Still, it isn’t always easy to make a trip to the bookstore or library to find that specific book that you are looking for. If you find yourself itching for a new read, reviews, or discussion, here are 10 websites that every book lover should check out. 1. Goodreads Goodreads is one of the best websites for booklovers that want to read the latest reviews, interviews, feedback, and plot discussion. Look, most of us called R+L=J in â€Å"A Song of Ice and Fire.† All the clues were there, but if you didn’t, you could have easily have read that theory on Goodreads. Where are we going with this? You should use Goodreads if you want all the details about books, new and old, and want to discuss them with other likeminded individuals. 2. Project Gutenberg Who doesn’t love free books? Project Gutenberg is the oldest and largest collections of free books on the Internet. To date, it boasts well over 49,000 titles and it continues to grow each year. The project aims to publish all books that have surpassed their copyright dates. The website even caters to audiobooks fans seeing as it has a large collection of them readily available. 3. Amazon You might think this is a lame one to feature in a book lover’s list, but is it? Amazon completely changed the book market and made books more affordable and accessible. Sure, Barnes Noble had a warm vibe, but let’s not kid ourselves, they overcharged for their books. There is something special about ordering a book and having it delivered to your doorstep in 1-2 days. It is because of this that Amazon has been featured on this list. 4. Whichbook Whichbook won’t win any design awards, but it works. This website helps you choose what book to read next. Users can interact with several personality sliders to help them decide what book they should read next. The sliders include happy and sad, funny and serious, safe, and disturbing, gentle and violent, and many others. The website also offers other ways to help you screen news books. If you ever find yourself struggling to pick your next book to read, let Whichbook help you choose. 5. ReadPrint ReadPrint is a lot like the Project Gutenberg. It features a lot of free books that can be downloaded and accessed across all of your devices. Topics include classics like Shakespeare all the way to science fiction. 6. Google Book Search Google is considered the king of search. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that they would be featured on a list that is designed to help you find book-friendly websites. What makes Google Book Search neat is the fact that you can search for specific lines of text from a book and it will tell you various locations where you can buy it. Google’s database also features free works like books, magazines, journals, and various e-books. 7. Indie Store Finder Are you craving that small bookstore feel? Indie Store Finder is the perfect tool for any book lover that is located in the United States. Simply plug in your zip code and Indie Store Finder will provide you with a list of all nearby independent book stores. 8. Look, it’s perfectly fine to want to find the best price for the books you buy. Who wants to pay more, especially if you are buying a book that is mass produced? lets you compare books across the various major book retailers, helping you find one that is close to you and cheap. Users can search by title, shipping destination, price, and state. 9. Comics Alliance Comic books count as books, alright? They have the word book in their name. Jokes aside, the Comics Alliance is a great website for comic book lovers. It features the latest news, releases, opinions, merchandise, and much more. Comics Alliance really is the be-all-end-all of comic books. You’ll never be out of the loop when it comes to comic books if you bookmark this website. 10. Book Cover Archive While you should never judge a book by its cover, you can admire beautiful book covers for the art that they are. In our fast-paced world, it is important to slow down and admire true artistic beauty. The Book Cover Archive features thousands of book covers organized categorically by title, subjects, authors, and several other unusual categories. If you think we missed an important website, feel free to let us know below. We’d love to know what other websites exist out there for book lovers. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Book Reviews category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Wether, Weather, Whether"Gratitude" or "Gratefulness"?5 Ways to Reduce Use of Prepositions

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Profits from pornography and prostitution Assignment

Profits from pornography and prostitution - Assignment Example A survey conducted in U.S.A reveals that adult bookshops and stores offer more number of books that exhibit pornographic contents that are legally banned in the country. Though legal implications are more, pornography has not been reduced and most of these forms violate the norms and regulations specified by the government. (Pace, 1983). Another organized crime is prostitution that also reaps profit to the one who owns the business. In most of the countries children below the age of 16 are also forcibly included into this act of prostitution. (Lunde, 2006). Though it is not legally permitted in most of the countries, illegal activists continue to do this organized crime. Vice Crimes are the ones that are banned either by the legal system or by the society due to the illicit problems that they bring into the society. The common vice crimes are prostitution and pornography. (Albanese, 2011). They are considered as illegal acts that spoil the morality of the people and communities in particular. Victimless crimes do not involve any third party or a person except from the one who is directly involved in it. Usage of drugs and alcoholics that are prohibited by the government is also considered to be victimless crimes. (Monkkonen, 1992). They also fall under the category of victimless crimes that are committed by organized crime. Even procuring illegal drugs and supplying them to the people are considered to be organized

Friday, October 18, 2019

Personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Personality - Essay Example o being in constant unconscious battle within a person makes sense to me, as I liken it to a person’s continual debate of what is right and wrong, and then behaves according to his moral decisions. Such decisions are affected by what society dictates as well as what the person truly desires for himself. Anxiety is a state of tension that propels us to do something. It stems out of a conflict between the id, the ego and the superego over control of the person’s decisions. Anxiety warns the person of an impending danger. 1. â€Å"As an individual, I would not want (acceptance of gay behavior) to be our policy, just like I would not want it to be our policy that if we were to find out that so-and-so was sleeping with somebody elses wife, that we would just look the other way, which we do not. We prosecute that kind of immoral behavior," he said.† The act of General Pace calling gay people in the military immoral made him â€Å"rationalize† his hurtful statement that it was against his upbringing and that immoral acts such as sex between homosexuals should not be condoned. His rationalization only proves at least to himself that he is only doing his duty to protect the morality of citizens. 2. â€Å"The newspaper said Pace did not address concerns raised by a 2005 government audit that showed some 10,000 troops, including more than 50 specialists in Arabic, have been discharged because of the policy.† 3. "General Paces comments are outrageous, insensitive and disrespectful to the 65,000 lesbian and gay troops now serving in our armed forces," the advocacy group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network said in a statement on its Web site.† – The advocacy group may be exhibiting â€Å"denial† by insisting that General Pace’s comments were insensitive and disrespectful. Society does not openly accept homosexuality, and those who are still feel a certain guilt for being the way they are. Being faced with a strong comment like that of General Pace’s makes

Rape Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Rape Culture - Essay Example Most people believe there is a rape culture today on campuses and other higher learning institutions. This paper has put out some views to support the argument for existence of college rape It is projected that the degree of false rape ranges between two to ten percent. Victims should report such cases. Other individuals may also report cases of another person rape case whereas it never occurred, for instance, a mother may falsely report a child rape or a boyfriend may falsely report a girlfriend’s rape. False rape victims provide false evidence like giving bloodied clothes, disarranging the room to indicate that there was a struggle. The existence of false rape is real. Psychologists and counselors argue that false rape signals different kind of problem. These problems mostly are psychological and may require quick intervention (John, 2008). The alleged victim should go through thorough counseling before any other action. The argument about false discussed some of the causes. Some of the cause includes attention seeking, revenge, psychological distress, and greed for power and or money. Some victims may attempt to report a false rape out of curiosity. They may be interested to know what will happen to people around him or her. Distraction is another cause for one to report a false rape. They may want to distract the police, family, or even friend from a particular occurrence. False rape in colleges and universities is mainly for attention seeking. A victim may falsely claim rape in order to seek attention from the individuals he or she is interested in. for instance a woman may falsely accuse a boyfriend of rape in order to get his attention. Students also may report false rape to seek their parent’s attention. Parents may neglect their children while in colleges and universities (John, 2008). This may affect the child psychologically leading him or her to reporting

Internet Banking Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Internet Banking Security - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the three major techniques are used by Banks to provide security to the customers Password Encryption Firewalls/Server. For the online security, the passwords or usernames pays an important role. The password is an important element that ensures verified customers to log in to their accounts. On the contrary, the hackers can seize a username or password while transmission and can utilize to access the customer’s account. A research states that an added authentication method is required because in financial services trust is now redefined. In addition, trust is identified as a significant factor that influences a customer’s presence in web-based commerce. Security threats are the main factors that work as a barrier to online banking. The customers are disturbed about the security and safety issues while using Internet banking options. The improved security measures can re-build the trust in customers that influence them to u sed Internet banking. II. Internet Banking Security for SME’s For discussing the SME industry in terms of Internet Banking Security, we have utilized a typical SME as an example. A. Centralized Database access for sales/customer databases The sales database and customer database are connected to the switch. Every request from the users is redirected to the router, where the router checks the Access Control List (ACL). In this scenario, the accounts staff has permissions to access these servers. However, all the other users on the network are restricted to access these servers. B. Email An SME has configured an email server to provide email facility to the employees. It is connected to the switch. The router analyzes all the email requests, from the inbound network, to decide whether to send it to the LAN interface or the WAN interface. The security factor is handled by the firewall and IDS C. Internet Access Internet access is only provided by the Internet Security and Accele ration (ISA) server. The network administration staff can create access policies on the ISA server to allow or deny Internet access by providing MAC address and IP address of the specific user. In a domain environment, as the SME has a domain environment, usernames that are created on the domain server are sufficient. D. Company Website and Intranet The intranet is available to everyone who is associated with the network. E. VOIP To support VoIP functionality, the VoIP architecture is connected to the public switched telephone networks (PSTN).

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Data Communication assignment - 4G Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Data Communication assignment - 4G - Essay Example It all started with 1st generation mobile communications that were focused on analogue means of communication, this was followed by 2nd generation which resulted in a total shift of medium from analogue to digital(Palanivelu & Nakkeeran 2009). Ever since the introduction of digital sources of communication there has been no looking back, and the current standings are at 3rd, 4th generation and beyond. Furtherance and change being natural phenomena, mobile communications have seen a revolution in the manner in which they are operate today. State of the art technology exists in the field of mobile communication that has made the once impossible, possible. 4G is a generic term that represents a family of number of standards that are around in use. The family encompasses all those elements that are beyond 3G, namely Wimax, L.T.E, Wimax 2.0, HSDPA, Advanced L.T.E and all other standards that fulfill the demands and specifications being presented by International Telecommunication Union (W ang, Kondi & Luthra 2009). 4G standards provide data rates nearly ten times higher 3G (Aktas & Ismail 2004) with focus on resolving the last mile issues once for all by reaching to even the most remote of areas across the globe. The most prevalent of 4G family is Wimax. It has been around for 6 to 7 years now and has made inroads into the market on commercial scale. More promise is being shown by L.T.E which is termed as the true representation of 4th generation technologies that will set the platform for coming generations in telecommunication world. The journey towards 4th generation technologies started with Wimax in early 21st century. Wimax is an acronym for World Wide Interoperability Microwave Access. It is another name for ubiquitous internet connection, be it on the go or under the roof. Work was in place for last few years and it was first introduced on commercial scale for public use in South Korea. Many more countries have joined the caravan and have implemented 4G on co mmercial scale. The recently published requirements for a true 4G system specified by I.T.U, demand more than Wimax and L.T.E initial versions offered, Wimax 2.0 and L.T.E Advanced fulfill the requirements being stated by I.T.U as the just members of 4th generation(Cox 2012). Wimax has made rapid progress in last few years and has a cluster scattered in various parts of the world already. Few of the companies that have implemented Wimax include Sprint, Etisalat, and Nexter to name a few. T-Mobile is aiming at L.T.E implementation on fully commercial scale in coming days. 802.16d vs. 802.16e: Improvements have been made in the Wimax technology periodically, the initially launched version was 802.16d which provided limited or no mobility. In order to capture large scale market and attract customers to itself, a new version 802.16e was introduced later in 2005 which provided ease of movement and had focus on mobility Features of Wimax: Wimax provides large number of features compared t o its predecessors and few of them are: OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing Access): An interface aimed to overcome the short comings of OFDM, provides the feature of entertaining multiple users at the same time and brings about more stability and reliability in the network. The use of Fast Fourier Transform (F.F.T) by the incumbent allows increased number of bits being transformed from one source to another (spectral efficiency) .802.16d made use of OFDM while the later version (802.16e)

The Last Night of Ballyhoo by Alfred Uhry Essay

The Last Night of Ballyhoo by Alfred Uhry - Essay Example Adolf Hitler Nazism began to pose a threat to world civilization. By 1941 United States officially had joined World War II. Against this political background The Last Night of Ballyhoo by Alfred Uhry is set in position. This play is set in the upper class German Jewish society. The background is placed in Atlanta 1939 where Jews comprised a prominent minority group coping in a Christian society. The self or rather the search for the self is exemplified for the lack of a strong sense of a self can be nebulous when ones placed in the current social structure. As Uhry said, â€Å"The Olympics commissioned me to write a play through the Alliance Theatre. It occurred to me the day they asked me that I could write about the last time Atlanta was in the spotlight which, to me, was when Gone with the Wind opened. I realized it was 1939 and I had Scarlett and I had Hitler, and it would be a good way to get at this thing I wanted to do†¦.† (Shewey, 1997) The play opens in the living room of the Freitag/Levy home. The tone and mood is a homely and family centered approach. Lala is found decorating the Christmas tree as it is the Christmas season. Here the Christmas tree signifies the orthodox of Christianity but for the Freitag/Levy home the Christmas tree stand as a symbol for the season which is devoid of any religious sentiments and the star symbolizing the birth of the Messiah; therefore a Jewish Christmas tree should have no star. As Boo states, â€Å"then everybody that drives down Habersham road will think we’re a bunch of Jewish fools pretending we’re Christians† (Uhry, 1997) The two important aspects are the premier of Gone with the wind and the last night of Ballyhoo which dominated the atmosphere of the play. Lala’s attitude is so apt, instead of arguing about the Christmas tree one should be celebrating the season. But on the contrary, Lala states that one should celebrate because Clark Gable was in town for the premier

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Internet Banking Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Internet Banking Security - Essay Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that the three major techniques are used by Banks to provide security to the customers Password Encryption Firewalls/Server. For the online security, the passwords or usernames pays an important role. The password is an important element that ensures verified customers to log in to their accounts. On the contrary, the hackers can seize a username or password while transmission and can utilize to access the customer’s account. A research states that an added authentication method is required because in financial services trust is now redefined. In addition, trust is identified as a significant factor that influences a customer’s presence in web-based commerce. Security threats are the main factors that work as a barrier to online banking. The customers are disturbed about the security and safety issues while using Internet banking options. The improved security measures can re-build the trust in customers that influence them to u sed Internet banking. II. Internet Banking Security for SME’s For discussing the SME industry in terms of Internet Banking Security, we have utilized a typical SME as an example. A. Centralized Database access for sales/customer databases The sales database and customer database are connected to the switch. Every request from the users is redirected to the router, where the router checks the Access Control List (ACL). In this scenario, the accounts staff has permissions to access these servers. However, all the other users on the network are restricted to access these servers. B. Email An SME has configured an email server to provide email facility to the employees. It is connected to the switch. The router analyzes all the email requests, from the inbound network, to decide whether to send it to the LAN interface or the WAN interface. The security factor is handled by the firewall and IDS C. Internet Access Internet access is only provided by the Internet Security and Accele ration (ISA) server. The network administration staff can create access policies on the ISA server to allow or deny Internet access by providing MAC address and IP address of the specific user. In a domain environment, as the SME has a domain environment, usernames that are created on the domain server are sufficient. D. Company Website and Intranet The intranet is available to everyone who is associated with the network. E. VOIP To support VoIP functionality, the VoIP architecture is connected to the public switched telephone networks (PSTN).

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Last Night of Ballyhoo by Alfred Uhry Essay

The Last Night of Ballyhoo by Alfred Uhry - Essay Example Adolf Hitler Nazism began to pose a threat to world civilization. By 1941 United States officially had joined World War II. Against this political background The Last Night of Ballyhoo by Alfred Uhry is set in position. This play is set in the upper class German Jewish society. The background is placed in Atlanta 1939 where Jews comprised a prominent minority group coping in a Christian society. The self or rather the search for the self is exemplified for the lack of a strong sense of a self can be nebulous when ones placed in the current social structure. As Uhry said, â€Å"The Olympics commissioned me to write a play through the Alliance Theatre. It occurred to me the day they asked me that I could write about the last time Atlanta was in the spotlight which, to me, was when Gone with the Wind opened. I realized it was 1939 and I had Scarlett and I had Hitler, and it would be a good way to get at this thing I wanted to do†¦.† (Shewey, 1997) The play opens in the living room of the Freitag/Levy home. The tone and mood is a homely and family centered approach. Lala is found decorating the Christmas tree as it is the Christmas season. Here the Christmas tree signifies the orthodox of Christianity but for the Freitag/Levy home the Christmas tree stand as a symbol for the season which is devoid of any religious sentiments and the star symbolizing the birth of the Messiah; therefore a Jewish Christmas tree should have no star. As Boo states, â€Å"then everybody that drives down Habersham road will think we’re a bunch of Jewish fools pretending we’re Christians† (Uhry, 1997) The two important aspects are the premier of Gone with the wind and the last night of Ballyhoo which dominated the atmosphere of the play. Lala’s attitude is so apt, instead of arguing about the Christmas tree one should be celebrating the season. But on the contrary, Lala states that one should celebrate because Clark Gable was in town for the premier

Disipline in Schools Essay Example for Free

Disipline in Schools Essay The definitions of ‘violence’, ‘bullying’ and ‘indiscipline clearly incorporate a wide range of behaviors which can alter depending on both the context within which the behaviors are enacted, and, indeed, with whom they are directed towards. Discipline in schools is now passing through an extended eclipse. The problem of indiscipline permeates all facets of our life. It has, in fact brought us down to the knees Each day there are thousands of kids who go to school and get picked on in some way or another. Those same kids will probably come home and tell nobody about the pain that they are going through inside. There are numerous causes and solutions for this problem that we are facing in our schools. One main cause is that those doing the discipline problems suffer from bad parenting. I believe that parents need to be responsible for their children. They’re the ones who raised the child and filled them with their beliefs of what’s right and wrong. When a principle calls home about a child misbehaving and the parents do nothing , that just lets the child know that it’s alright for him or her to do it again. The parents will cause the child to form the mindset that he or she can do it again because they know that they won’t get reprimanded for their actions. Even if their child doesn’t get punished at home, that will lead the child to start acting out of control at school. Therefore, parents must take responsibility for their children’s behavior. The child needs to be teached that there will be consequences not only at school but homes as well for any discipline problems to be solved.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company In Jamaica Tourism Essay

The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company In Jamaica Tourism Essay Introduction Executive Summary: Ritz Carlton was founded by Mr. Cesar Ritz who initially worked in finest Hotels and restaurants in Paris. He owned grand Hotel Ritz and within one year he expanded wings in London and opened Hotel Carlton which became Ritz Carlton Hotel Company. He believed in excellent personalized services which satisfied the discerning guest. Ritz Carlton expanded to North America and ownership changed during 1983 to Johnson Company. During 1983 1987 Ritz Carlton expanded domestically and internationally under new ownership.  [i]   During 1997 Marriott International purchased Ritz Carlton and by 2000 it became primarily a management company operating 38 Hotels and resorts worldwide with minority stake in 10 properties and outright ownership of 3 hotels. The company used to obtain management contracts for new hotels and resorts around the world. Over the years hotel conglomerate won acclaimed for its services and had been awarded Best Hotel in Asia Pacific in the eight Business Traveler Asia / Pacific magazine Travel Awards Subscribe Survey and for two consecutive years Best Business Hotel in Malaysia. The Ritz Carlton Hotel Company for the first time now wants to open a hotel in historic Foggy Bottom district of Washington D C in Multi Use facility complex owned by Millennium Partners. The Hospitality Complex is 162 Luxury Condominiums, sports club, splash Spa, three restaurant, and 40,000 square feet of street -level restaurants and retail shops and 300-room hotel. Millennium partners founded in 1990 that set up high end luxury apartments and Lincoln square four building complex in New York was their first project and exhibited their future intensions. Millennium partners ended up in hotel business. In this case study Essence of Ritz-Carlton experience, the Ritz-Carlton selling, how the Ritz-Carlton creates Ladies and Gentlemen in only 7 days. Also McBride, Ritz-Carlton GM, to lengthen the amount of time spent on training hotel employees before hotel opening. McBride should consider a total overhaul of the hotel opening process. Products and Services Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company develops and Operates luxury hotels. Hotels are designed and identified to appeal to and suit the requirements of major customers including meeting event planners, Business travelers and leisure travelers. Ritz- Carlton set out to open any new hotel Ritz-Carlton including detailed analysis of site selection, new product and service development and feasibility study. The detailed analysis also includes target customers, their needs and expectations. The each hotel customized to meet local market demand. Innovation through make use of latest technology for enhancing customer satisfaction level Link restaurant services through internet It allows customers to decide menus ahead of time and also select the choice of table. Differential aesthetic look and best quality interior was few of the additional features. Core Values Business Model Following are the core values and Business model exist at Ritz Carlton: Core values: Trust, honesty, integrity and commitment. A great emphasizing on human resources, believes it important and biggest assets Foster work environment to fulfill individual aspirations Focus on Service but not sales Guest greets at Airport with mimosas and discount coupons on a silver tray Airport check in concierge Techno savvy to ensure customers needs satisfied Event Planners Ritz -Carlton managed properties for Millennium partners who were one of several hotel owners. Ritz Carlton charged management fees of 3% of total revenue besides wholly owned luxury hotels around the world. The customer segment was Independent travelers and Meeting Event planners. The key success indicators of hotel business were Average Daily Rate and Revenue per Available Room. Independent travelers were influenced through special services like providing discounting coupons at airports, created hotel room at airport and also introduced Technology Butler. The specialized services increased customer convenience and outpaced the competition. The nature of services is perishable and individual travelers are aiding in profitability. The event business / meeting business are growing and desirable for the sustainable profitability. The management contracts tend to meet needs of owners and operators. Quality at Ritz Carlton: Ritz Carlton has a great emphasizing on human resources. Robust HRM practices envisage right people for the right job and inducted to become perfect lady and gentleman. The total quality management philosophy began to permeate the organization. Company focused on new activities and measures including quality standards, continuous improvements for delivering better service quality. New programs designed to meet customer specific need and service quality indicators. The Quality policy believes in Exceeding Standards. Warm and sincere greeting, anticipation and compliances of guest needs and warm good bye are key service steps. Human resources at Ritz Carlton: Human resources is critical element in the process for understanding of the service to be delivered and priorities in doing so, are aligned closely with customers expectations and marketing communications by the organization. For managers, the service climate needs to support and reward employees in their efforts to deliver the service product reliably at the promised standard. The value creation for customer If the customer perceives quality of the service to be higher than the cost incurred, the customer receives value. The greater the difference between the quality of service and the cost, greater will be the satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Ritz Carlton turnover rate was 20% compared to hotel industry average rate of 100%. This exhibits how Ritz Carlton cares about their employees and viewed their employees as one of the important and biggest assets and has passion for the people. Ritz Carlton nurtured and maximizes talent of each individual. Through the extensive formal and informal training employee were prepared to meet current obligations and also higher responsibilities in future. Employees were also trained to meet futuristic obligations and encouraged to cross train and learn about many different aspects. Performance was not only criteria but also managed by the employees themselves. Employees monitoring their own performance and recognized for outstanding work. Staffing: To minimize failure in delivering services, key HRM practices like employee recruitment, selection and training focused and implemented. People having aptitude, talent and attitude to serve people, training schedule made sure to shape out staff for delivering exceptional services. The key of maintaining exceptional service standards was to keep high morale and motivation of each employee. Various tools were used to attract applicants for the various positions include visiting competitors restaurants, advertisement in news papers and visiting hospitality schools. Ritz Carlton job fair was organized for mass recruitment. Aspirants treated well including convenient reaching to destination of job fair, offering snacks and beverages, make them aware about organization. Service Oriented Approach of Ritz-Carlton The customer service oriented approach has three elements: For whom services and products created who will deliver and how will be delivered. Customer Value Customer relationships and customer loyalty Different communication and pricing strategies Assessment of customer satisfaction and complaints Making customer value more tangible People Role of employees in value creation Nature of competencies required to deliver services Empowerment of employees Reduction of stress Operations and Technology Designing processes to create value Design and location of facilities Role of technology Capacity management The Ritz Carlton having different value and philosophy in business which includes and they operate The Credo, The Motto, The Three Steps of Service, Service Values, the 6th Diamond the Employee Promise. The company is engage in the services oriented which have the unique characteristics for providing the services in order to meet the expectation of the customer. Some of the highlights have been captured depicted below:- Excellence in service not in Selling The Ritz-Carlton Philosophy states as they are not in the hotel business. The Ritz-Carlton is selling an experience, and experience that is based on excellence of service. As stated by Schulze, We are not in the hotel business. The hotel business is about selling rooms, selling food, selling the bar. We do those things incidentally, but our business is service. We charge for service. Our commitment to our customers is excellence in service. Their commitment to customers is excellence in service. Service is their profession. The total service oriented approach. The Credo The Ritz-Carlton Hotel is a place where the genuine care and comfort of guests is the highest mission. Pledge to provide the finest personal service and facilities for guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed, yet refined ambience. The Ritz-Carlton experience enlivens the senses, instills well-being, and fulfils even the unexpressed wishes and needs of guests. Motto At The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C., We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen. This motto exemplifies the anticipatory service provided by all staff members. Motto of the company, Employee commitment, The credo, employee promises and twenty basics are gold standards and success mantras. Gold standards reinforced on daily basis in order to build the habits of employees to deliver the highest level of services The three steps of service,- A warm and sincere greeting. Use the guests name. Anticipation and fulfillment of each guests needs Fond farewell give a warm good-bye and use the guests name. Service Values: Employees feel proud To Be Ritz-Carlton as they have opportunity to do following which gives them job satisfaction. The Ritz Carlton is known for service excellence and follow following principals to provide excellent service to their customers.. 1. Employee satisfaction. 2. Leadership involvement. 3. Determination, commitment, and accountability. 4. Attend to voice of the customers. 5. Two-way communication. 6. Freedom to act. 7. Employees as ambassadors. 8. Adapt service recovery model (L.A.S.T.: Listen, Apologize, Solve, and Thank You.) 9. Anticipate needs. 10. Scripting to convey the right message  [ii]   The 6th Diamond is Mystique, Emotional Engagement Functional , these all cared by Ritz- Carlton and known 6th Diamond. Employee Promises At The Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen are the most important resource in service commitment to guests. By applying the principles of trust, honesty, respect, integrity and commitment, they nurture and maximize talent to the benefit of each individual and the company. The Ritz-Carlton fosters a work environment where diversity is valued, quality of life is enhanced, individual aspirations are fulfilled, and The Ritz-Carlton Mystique is strengthened.  [iii]   Creating Service Oriented culture through orientation Servitisation approach means bundling goods services and makes a integrated package. This approach more focus on associated services than product Four steps in creating servitisation approach:- Knowing your customers Organizing service delivery systems Making sure employees have appropriate skills Employing technology A services discipline is defined by the following main features: The benefits it offers to customers The need to integrate, manage and deliver processes The importance of establishing and maintaining relationships The Ritz-Carlton As a premium hotel whose utmost mission is to provide genuine care and comfort to guests, The Ritz-Carlton pledges to provide the finest personal service and facilities to the guests who will always enjoy a warm, relaxed yet refined ambience.And this objective can only be fulfilled by satisfied and engaged employees. The three goals of Ritz are financial results, customer satisfaction and employee satisfaction. These goals are not exclusive from each other. They are very closely interrelated. Without satisfied and engaged employees, there is no way to achieve excellent financial results and guest satisfaction. To ensure such high service standards, Management team look for people who will fit the existing culture and see the following qualities in the people. People who share the same values and purpose. People who care for and respect others. People who smile naturally. People who seek a long term relationship. People who have talent for the job Process of Ritz to create Ladies and Gentlemen in only 7 days The seven days countdown was formulated for hotel opening process which was refined during in the process of last several years , this was the new employees first encounter with hotel, which started exactly seven days before the grand opening of the hotel. The first two (2) days were devoted to orienting employees to the company culture and values. The next five days were devoted to more skills training and trial runs of service delivery. To ensure that employees are get aligned with organization mission and core values. Trainers from 23 nationalities The orientation process is slow and thorough, and ensures that the employees are aligned with the organizations mission and a great deal of focus is kept on the conveying the values of the organization. The trainers for the orientation program are gathered from 23 different countries, all considered the best of the best in their role within the organization. These trainers are responsible for ensuring that each employee is at the required level or standard in their specific job function at the hotel. Schulze addresses the new team by stating, You are not servants. We are not servants. Our profession is service. We are ladies and gentleman. We are ladies and gentleman and should be respected as such. He conveys a message of unity, a message of equality and team work during his address, and he again insists that We are ladies and gentleman serving ladies and gentleman, as per the Ritz Carlton motto. The Ritz-Carlton employed the Gold Standards to ensure this message was communicated effectively to all employees; the Gold Standard included The Credo, The Three Steps of Service, The Motto, The Employee Promise and the Twenty Basics to ensure employees were focused on the organizations values. Through continuous communication and brain storming session and directives from top to down level and intensive training, skill development and an aligned HRM strategy, within 7 days the Ritz-Carlton managed to create ladies and gentleman out of their employees. The steps for making Ladies and Gentleman Training and daily line-up: During the first two days employees were aware, trained and dipped into the culture and values of the organization and remaining five days devoted to specific skill training and trial runs of service delivery ensuring everything perfect and meeting service standards. The orientation process ensures aligns the worker with the mission of company and ensured service philosophy ingrained in all its employees, they ingrained the message that all employees are in the service business and not the hotel business. The executive team and Human Resources explain The Ritz-Carlton Credo, Employee Promise, and 12 Service Values. After that, they will receive 30 days of training from a certified trainer from the department. On Day 21, new employees are asked to give the management feedback on how they can improve their training program for future training and recertification. In addition, every employee gets a minimum of 130 hours of training every year, which spans training for his or her department, company culture, and language and computer skills. Day 365 is recognition of one year of loyal service and is an opportunity to reinforce the hotels culture. Every employee will also go through annual recertification after they pass written tests, role-play and interviews on culture and skill. Daily line-up is a daily briefing to reiterate the companys standard and convey important business messages. It takes place every morning in each department. While each department may conduct briefings differently, the message they convey is the same worldwide: they will talk about one of the 12 Service Values. Listening and communication: Communication is important and creates abundant opportunities to interact with employees beginning with the interview and continuing through monthly breakfast meetings and his daily rounds of the hotel: Human Resources also holds a monthly feedback session with randomly selected employees for 1 to 1.5 hours to discuss their concerns. Overall, every employee has one opportunity every year to speak with the General Manager or HR Director in private. In addition, the hotel conducts annual employee satisfaction surveys, and on an ongoing basis, collects opinions on employee issues and posts them in public areas identifying those responsible for solving them. The executive team then notes the number of issues solved and measures the satisfaction of the employees. Empowerment and continuous improvement: Employees are also encouraged to be innovative and creative when it comes to improving their jobs. Money is not the key motivator; employees are rewarded for improving the goals measured by guest satisfaction, financial performance and employee satisfaction at year-end. Employees are rewarded and recognized for their outstanding customer service.  [iv]   Information support: Through their numerous interactions with guests throughout their stay like check in, room service, and housekeeping, employees continuously record guest preferences and needs in Guest Preference Forms. Every night, such preferences and needs are entered into The Ritz-Carltons worldwide database Project Mystique, so whenever guests make a reservation at a Ritz-Carlton hotel, their needs and preferences are known and taken care of. Reward and recognition: At The Portman Ritz-Carlton, employees are recognized and rewarded both financially and non-financially. Mark DeCocinis believes if you want your people to be the best, you must pay them top market salaries. While money is not the key motivator, employees are rewarded for improving the goals measured by guest satisfaction, financial performance and employee satisfaction at year end. Employees are rewarded and recognized for their outstanding customer service. Every quarter, a Five-Star Employee Award is granted; with the winner receiving a five-night stay for two at a Ritz-Carlton anywhere in the world, along with round-trip tickets for two and US$500 allowance. At Ritz -Carlton human resources are very well planned they treat with hospitality. As per their President who says you are not servant. We are not servant. Our profession is service. We are ladies and gentleman, just as the guests are whom we respect as ladies and gentleman. If you impart such culture be sure you will create ladies and gentle to serve. Give the respect take the respect, which costs nothing only wins, the heart of the customer who is taking the service will have regards for the service provider. Employee orientation schedule Employee orientation is key part of the training and development process which introduces employees to the jobs, colleagues and organization. Researchers have found that formal orientation can achieve significant cost savings by reducing anxiety of new employees, fostering positive attitudes, job satisfaction and sense of commitment at the start of the employment relationship. The 7 day countdown was a Hallmark of Ritz Carltons well defined hotel opening process which synchronized all steps leading to the opening of a new hotel.  It was Ritz Carltons orientation process aimed at aligning the employee with the vision and mission of the organization. The 7 day orientation process was standardized and ensured that Ritz Carlton has the right employees to support its vision which was Excellent Personalized Service. The seven day countdown was a worldwide best practice for the organization but in our opinion McBride should lengthen the 7 day countdown because of the following reasons: Current difficulty faced in training new hires to meet the high expectation of Ritz Carltons standards in only 7 days. An increase in the training period would help employees understand their role in achieving the key success factors and creating the The Ritz Carlton Mystique. By lengthening the 7 day countdown the service could become flawless which in turn could help translate the 5% dissatisfied customers to satisfied customers. This would result in occupancy going up from 80% to 88% due to increase in satisfaction level translating to $300 million. Extending the 7 day countdown means investing in long standing excellence in areas such as employee orientation and customer oriented training resulting in increased customer engagement and satisfaction. Research on guest-spending patterns indicates that a four percent increase in customer engagement company-wide would generate an extra $40 million in incremental revenue. Employees morale is boosted as they are protected from feeling overwhelmed. A longer employee engagement would also mean further decrease in the annual turnover which stood at 18%. Adults by virtue of having lived longer accumulate greater volume, knowledge and mind-sets. It would help to have more time for the employees to o un-learn and learn new things. Continuous improvement was absolutely critical to keep the commitment to customer for excellence in service and extending the 7 day countdown would help the process. Would help thwart competition from The Four Seasons by offering flawless service which can be achieved by increasing the orientation period. Would help meet the expectations of the Millennium Partners about this hotel offering great great service which means it expected Service par excellence. Thus we believe that Ritz Carlton should therefore increase the length of the orientation to further ingrain service excellence in its new employees which will ensure higher productivity and foster competitiveness. An assessment of 7 days vs 14 days training program 50% occupancy revenue = $5,000,000 Cost of the 7 day training program = $10,00,000 (estimated) 80% occupancy revenue = $8,000,000 Cost of the 14 day training program = $20,00,000 (estimated) Benefit of the program = 3,000,000 Additional Cost = 1000,000 Return On Investment = 300% Every investment including investment for employee training associated with cost and benefit. The cost and benefit mean cost involved in training of employees, direct revenue benefit, intangible benefits. The increase / decrease training schedule also adversely / favorably impact. Ritz Carlton is well known name to the industry and known for service centric approach. Initial Occupancy may not affected by training period but message of customer care approach need to be ingrained. Local culture also affects the training schedule as behavior of individual employees need to framed up in line of the global approach. Change in hotel opening process Change is part of life. World scenario is becoming dynamic and industry is coming up with innovative products to lure customers. In order to stay ahead in competition, Ritz Carlton also need to think differently. The entire training module, customer expectancy needs overhaul of the hotel opening process. The defects need to eliminate within shortest time frame.. Additional training and development will increase the cost but it will build up confidence and set new industry bench mark. Ongoing operation is very different from the opening a new hotel. The opening hotel require two core competencies One is dealing with the development of the site. Human resource processes necessary to get the hotel up running. Ritz-Carlton regarded employees as the cornerstone of its exceptional service culture. The company understood that, as a service organization, the quality of its end product was only as good as the people providing it. Therefore it took care to see that it not only recruited the right kind of employees, but also provided them with the necessary inputs to enable them to provide exceptional service. Although Ritz-Carltons salaries were not significantly higher than those of other comparable organizations in the hospitality industry, the company was a preferred employer because of its organizational culture and the way it treated its employees. Ritz-Carltons organizational culture not only helped the company provide exemplary customer service, but also created an atmosphere where employees felt valued. It is difficult to train new hires to meet the high expectation of the Ritz Carlton service standards in only seven days, but it worked in Ritz Carlton. Training should not be longer which will not be cost effective in the short span of the time. The employees already working should be given chance to in the second opening millennium to avoid taking risk at the opening itself. Recruitment should be done for the Ritz Carlton not for the millennium because the employee can be transferred as per the requirement. The employees of the Millennium partners can be taken for the opening, as the partners employees will feel proud to work jointly as a team. This will give opportunity to the partners employee who knows the brand fame of the Ritz Carlton by giving the Ritz Carlton basics. Ritz-Carlton management takes the following four steps to ensure that employees maintain the companys high standards for quality and service Excellence, as articulated in the Gold Standards: (i) rigorous employee selection process, (ii) employee orientation, (iii) employee training certification, and (iv) continuous coaching. Conclusion: The service industry is becoming more competitive. Global aspirations and technological innovations are challenges for the industry. Customers are loyal to the services rather than company. The services need to revisit and provide latest offers. Worlds best organizations believe in beating their own standards and developing innovating products to serve and win customer hearts. 100 % employee pride Joy, Zero customer difficulty and 100% customer loyalty are performance criteria of performance excellence set by Ritz Carlton Hotels. The road map created for performance excellence through strategic planning, leadership, Human resources, Processes Systems, customer focus, information analysis finally business results. Employees groomed and equipped to exceed (Not meet) customer requirements. Regular updating training needs, deliverance evaluation, PDCA (Plan, Do Check, Act) and Z- back approach; unlearning learning approach aided in meeting industry challenges.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

COLD MOUNTAIN Essays -- Essays Papers

COLD MOUNTAIN Since Cold Mountain does not heavily rely on dialogue to tell the story, the point of view Frazier uses to narrate the story is important: He must create the effect of being enveloped in two separate worlds, and give insight into characters who have no one to discuss their thoughts with. The only way to accomplish this is by using the omniscient point of view, which is when the author has unlimited knowledge about the characters and their thoughts. A romantic story is especially suited for this type of narration, because romances revolve not around events, but emotions, which are difficult to describe objectively. To fully appreciate the depth of the love between Ada and Inman, the reader must be able to peer into the deepest thoughts of the characters. Isolation, however, prevents Ada and Inman from revealing these thoughts to each other or to another character. We instead must learn from introspections like the one on pg. 393, when Inman reflects, â€Å"†¦he intended to eat nothing until he found Ada. If she would not have him he would go on to the heights and see if the portals on Shining Rocks would open to him†¦He doubted there was a man in the world more empty than he at the moment.† Intimate insights such as this one are frequent in the novel, and reveal the most information about Ada and Inman’s feelings for each other. This unlimited power to inform is used also to directly characterize Inman and especially Ada; due to the relative calm of her ...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Dominance of Biomedicine and Challenges to its Discourse Essay

Contemporary approaches in understanding health, illness and its treatment largely differ from the traditional way of treating people’s health conditions. For instance, before the â€Å"Age of Reason† beliefs about vindictive spirits, evil and divine intervention, and practices of sorcery and witchcraft were widely held (Porter 1997 as cited in Williams, 2003). Another example is the practice of Greek medicine; a more naturalistic approach used by the practitioner to tune the body through humoral theories of balance and lifestyle modification. Similarly, during this age, the combination of physical, emotional, and spiritual factors contributed to the development of the â€Å"sick man† (Williams, 2003). These medical teachings were authoritative until the eighteenth century. However, towards the nineteenth century, numerous discoveries such as Vesalius’ anatomical atlas and Harvey’s process of blood circulation challenged mainstream medicine, which p aved the way for the rise of a newer and more systematic form of medicine (Williams, 2003, p. 11), marking the growth and supremacy of scientific medicine. The evolution of scientific medicine is well documented in several literature (Gabe, Keheller, & Williams, 1994; Longino, 1998; Marcum, 2008; Morris, 2000; Quirke & Gaudilliere, 2008; Williams, 2003). A progressive shift from preference of either licensed or unlicensed healers to the legitimization of the medical profession and medicalisation of natural life experiences had occurred (Gabe, et al., 1994). With this, scientific medicine, commonly known as biomedicine, continued to dominate the discourse of health and illness from the end of the 18th century up to the present (Williams, 2003). Despite this perceived supremacy, scientific medicine... ...s of thi sTrial Apply? The Lancet, 365(9453), 82-93. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(04)17670-8 Thorpe, R. D. (2008). Integrating biomedical and CAM approaches: The experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS. Health Sociology Review, 17(4), 410-418. Tonelli, M. R., & Callahan, T. C. (2001). Why Alternative Medicine Cannot be Evidenced-Based. Academic Medicine, 76(12), 1213-1220. Torgerson, D. J. (2003). Avoiding Bias in Randomised Controlled Trials in Educational Research. British Journal of Educational Studies, 51(1), 36-45. Williams, S. J. (2003). Medicine and the body. London: SAGE publications Ltd. Xue, C. C. L., Zhang, A. L., Lin, V., Costa, C. D., & Story, D. F. (2007). Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use in Australia: A National Population-Based Survey. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 13(6), 643-650. doi: 10.1089/acm.2006.6355.